Where do I begin? Now I can see more clearly why I create. I can expect to have some control over my finished work. I can use every and any color that exists and gives me pleasure and works in the project.
What JOY!
But choosing color by committee that is something I never want to do again. I will say, I learned a lot from the experience. I gained perspective about
myself and about
human nature.
I learned that :
1) Artists really do see things differently.
2) People do not welcome change.
3) I really am an artist, it is internal, I can't help myself.
So what happened to get me to these conclusions?
A meeting of the condo committee about painting the building. First let me say that we are all good people and get along surprisingly well. It was really the nature of the task that makes this a difficult thing.
First, we all probably see color differently. Right from the climates we hail from originally, use of color in the region we are making this decision for and our personal physical bodies, we are all seeing something different.
Than we throw in the colors of the buildings next to us, the present color of the building and the architecture itself.
Why should we be surprised that what looked like such a fun task with exciting potential turned into a
learning experience?
Thank God that is over and the building will look freshly painted no matter what color it is.
Now I can go back to my own work, where I really take ultimate responsibility, after all, that
has my name on it.