Sunday, November 13, 2011


It's over and I'm glad. The art fair is what I'm talking about. Lots of time, energy and focus devoted to doing something I always wanted to do with little to show for it but a wealth of hard gained knowledge and lots of respect for those that make this a way of life.

The good news is that once you've made the preparations, invested in items needed etc., you can refine them for next time and it will be so much easier.

There were many high moments.  Unlike exhibits there was much time for feed back and conversations with art lovers.  I could observe other painters and people's responses to their art.  I got a feel for what was most appreciated about my work.  A direction , if you will.

I was amazed at how generous the other participants were.  They were kind and generous, my fears were put aside.  I really did not know what reaction I would get as a newbe.  There were many newbes at this fair, we connected and shared our thoughts.  It was really a day that opened my mind.

Oh, and I forgot to mention (as any one coming from the racetrack will tell you)  "I broke even".  Even had a few extra dollars in my pocket at the end of the day.

Friday, November 4, 2011


In a conversation the other day my friend and fellow artist Pat Halsey said you can tell when the excitement and joy are missing from a creative endeavor.  When it feels like a task, it looks like a task.  I readily agreed.

I have recently purchased that state of the art software I had been dreaming of.  The stuff I was using was great, both simple and effective.  But I thought a new computer needs the latest software.  Time to play with the big girls. So I bit the bullet, shelled out the money and now have to learn a whole new way of doing the same old stuff.  Naievely I had imagined that the underlying process would be the same and there would just be more choices.  Wrong!

So I am slogging my way through the work.  I am afraid if I get out the old program I won't force myself to learn the new one.  My first project was to create a brochure for an upcoming event.  I did it, joylessly the first time but I did learn the process.  After the conversation with Pat I decided to try again and have some fun in the process.  The results were much more pleasing to me.

I posted the cover here to share the results.  You can tell I had fun with this one.  Thanks Pat!