Friday, May 20, 2011


I told the lady, (Donna) that she should keep a log.  She had walked jauntily over to see what I was painting.

" After all" I said " Because you chronicled the new bridge being built and you are lovingly care taking the little boardwalk park, who could do better  than you, maybe even could turn it into a book later on."

When I got back to my studio, I pondered over the conversation.  Why don't I follow my own advice, so readily given, by blogging my plein air painting adventures?
Painting seems to be only half the experience, the other half is the interactions along the way. 

Lately I've been getting up early to paint the beach fog we get abundantly on May mornings in South Jersey.  Today I was critiqued by the sanitation workers here in the Highlands.  One spoke of past painters of the old bridge.  He particularly admired one man,  he had his card somewhere at home.  That was a great opportunity to give him one of my cards, but the moment got away from me.  I have to get better at that.  I have the cards, just not out where it would be easy.  When he was gone I got them out.

Also reminds me of going to shake Donna's hand when she introduced herself and seeing the ultraviolet paint all over my palm.  Caught it just in time, said we'd shake another day.  I did remember to give her my card.  Now that's growth!

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