Monday, May 23, 2011


John Salvi sent me an invitation to an art show charitable fundraiser( . He also sent a reminder the day before and another on the day of the event.  All a very good idea I believe as these things seem to slip my mind and it also conveyed the urgency of this event.  The show involved four very accomplished artists John Salvi, Mother-daughter Paula & MaryLou Shipman,and granddaughter, Angela Long and “soon to be"professional artists from our own Knollwood Middle School, Fair Haven and Little Silver Point Road School, Little Silver N.J..

All the walls in the house were full of beautiful paintings and John also filled the backyard
with his incredible abstracts.  I saw many red stickers, indicating sales, and I hope they raised alot of money for a local boy.

I always look forward to catching up with artist friends, seeing their work, seeing their progress. It's a good reminder when they talk about their process and their progress (or sometimes, lack there of.)  Another friend was there, Dawn Dittmar, a writer and stand-up comedian.  She is in the revision process for a book.  I eagerly look forward to seeing it in print.

How many conversations we all have shared on our work. Creative friends are a key element in developing artistically.  When I hear and see their out of the box solutions to problems I am set free to explore my own.  I can sit in my studio and create all day but my friends are key to having an authentic creative life.

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